Writing a Personal Statement for College

Home Writing a Personal Statement for College

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With a successful personal statement, the doors of the best universities will be open for you. This kind of writing is what an admission committee uses to judge whether you match their institution requirements or not. This is your chance to persuade them that you would be a great student and you can’t miss it. What you need to do it start preparing for it in advance. Take your time, do some research, and ask for professional advice on how to compose a winning personal statement for college. We are one of the sources that can help you understand how to come up with a proper personal statement and get accepted to the institution of your choice.

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Where do I start?

Start with researching your own personality. You need to study own interests, make sure you know what your objectives are, and what you want to achieve by writing a personal statement. Do not be in a hurry to write all the points down without analyzing what impact they may have on your success. Admission tutors compare applicants by their personal statements; so, try to make yours stand out. It has to be a catchy, objective, detailed, and yet succinct piece of writing. Remember that good planning is halfway to success. Compose yourself and then start writing.

Set yourself apart

When working on your personal statement for college, it really helps if you set yourself apart from everything else and just concentrate on writing. Do not forget that this is a personal statement, which means that you need to include something that you have possibly never shared with anyone. If you want the admission tutors to pick your statement among thousands of others, you shouldn’t be afraid of writing about something truly personal.

Before starting to write, answer these questions:

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  • What distinguishing features do I possess that can set me apart from other applicants?
  • Do I have some personal information that the committee can use to understand me better?
  • What are my goals for the nearest future?
  • What goals have I already achieved in the past?
  • Have these achievements influenced my choice of field to study?
  • How familiar am I with the field?
  • Do I have necessary characteristics and skills to fit into this field?
  • What helped me develop an interest in it?
  • What can make the admission panel choose me over other candidates?
  • What achievements are relevant to include in my personal statement in order to become a successful applicant?
  • Do I have a specific life experience that can make me a good student?

The above questions will guide you in the right direction towards making a good personal statement. Such a personal statement will answer most of the committee’s questions.

Tell a story

A personal statement is simply a story of your life that you tell the committee. However, is it all that simple? Any story has to have an interesting plot for someone to want to read it till the end. Now, how do you make your story attention grabbing? The most important thing is to be frank with the target reader. Many people can easily tell when someone is lying, and that is always very disappointing and discouraging. The admission committee have got more than enough experience dealing with personal statements, and one thing that they can see straight away is an insincere story. It will immediately put them off. No matter what your personal story might be, do not fake it. The more personal your statement is, the better perceived it will be.

Find an angle

You need to find your unique angle to which you will stick while working on your personal statement for college. Think of what makes you unique; give the admission committee a deeper sense of yourself. Use the essay to reveal the peculiarities of your upbringing, education, daily life, and professional experiences that influenced your choice and led to apply for this course. Give the committee genuine insight into who you are.

Opening paragraphs

The introductory paragraph establishes the tone of your personal statement for college. It determines whether the admission committee will be interested or not. Do not waste your time on meaningless phrases and clichГ©s. You should start with outlining the main point of your admission essay. Therefore, make sure the opening paragraph introduces the reasons for choosing the course and is supported by the inspirations behind them. The opening paragraph is the most important part of your essay. If you feel that you may not succeed in coming up with a good one, seek external help. Your friends and relatives could help you out. It is also a good idea to ask your school teachers for assistance. Checking the Internet for some tips might be helpful as well.

Explain why you are right for the course

Provide evidence that you fit the course. Prove that you not only meet all the criteria in general but also are familiar with the field and your future profession, which you have researched and fully understand what the subject implies. You need to prove that you are prepared. You might want to mention what you have done outside the classroom to show that you have been developing your interest in the field even beyond your curriculum; reflect on your experiences. You also need to emphasize you skills. They could include good time management, ability to work in a team and/or independently as well as organizational, problem-solving, or leadership skills. However, do not simply list your skills; you need to expand on the most relevant ones showing how you have developed them and what you do to improve them. Another important point is that you need to understand that studying at a university is about being able to think analytically and independently. Therefore, your personal statement must show that you are a critical thinker.

Avoid assumptions

When writing a personal statement, you should avoid making assumptions on behalf of the committee at all costs. What you need to do is critically interpret what the admission committee wants from you and put it in writing.

Be selective

Remember that your essay must be concise and specific. The admission committee does not need a lengthy piece of writing filled with irrelevant information. You need to carefully select what is relevant and forget about the rest. Being not specific enough might confuse the admission board and create the impression that you are not ready for the course.

Maintain a positive tone

Working on a personal statement may be frustrating at times, but do not panic. You should try to maintain your motivation at the right level. Let your essay show the confidence you possess. Maintain a positive tone throughout your personal statement. Start with your strengths, focus on your relevant criteria and enthusiasm for the subject and speak positively about yourself. The committee looks for confident candidates who can overcome any hurdle on their way.

Word limit

It can be quite difficult to keep to the required word limit. However, it is very important to follow the instructions. You need to make sure that your word limit neither exceeds the required one nor is deficient. Either way, you risk demonstrating that you are unable to express thoughts logically and efficiently in a particular number of sentences.

Edit and proofread

One of the vitally important stages in personal statement writing is proofreading. You must go through your essay a few times to check whether there are any typos, spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes left. A seemingly small and insignificant mistake can tremendously undermine the quality of your writing. Therefore, find some time for sharing your personal statement with your friends or parents to make sure that it is flawless.

Conduct some research

You need to research the institution you are applying for. It will help you answer their questions more accurately.

Avoid repetition of information

That is another thing that can utterly spoil your personal statement. Do not beat around the bush; stick to the point at all times.

We hope that our tips will help you compose a winning personal statement. However, if you have some serious doubts concerning your writing skills, you should consider hiring a professional who can shape your thoughts in a proper way. At PerfectEssaysOnline.com, we have written thousands of outstanding personal statements and can guarantee the best results. If you want to ensure that you are admitted to the institution of your choice, check our website for more details.

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