Family Violence Sample Essay

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Family Violence

Domestic violence is a common characteristic of all countries, cultures and societies. This is, first of all, the establishment of control over the behavior of a family member: isolation from family and friends, bans on receiving information, assistance, and self-expression, the psychological impact of causing fear and humiliation. Other forms of family violence are causing physical harm to members of a family, including killing, forced sexual acts, and other forms of sexual abuse. In this case “aggression” (violence) is understood as the deliberate infliction of harm to another person that is always violence, regardless of its degree of cruelty, and has the same reasons. It is deeply traumatic for the person, and the consequences are: the disturbed self-esteem and the ability to control his/her life, lost of the trust of the people; there are also emotional disturbances, feeling of isolation and helplessness. According to the reports of emergency medical services, about half of the U.S. citizens have reported on at least one episode of family violence in life. An analysis of 10 separate domestic violence prevalence studies found consistent findings: 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence over their lifetimes and between 6-10% of women suffer domestic violence in a given year (Council of Europe, 2002). In the Arab (Islamic) countries, one in three women is beaten by her husband. Reasons of the domestic violence are – a background of the family: the presence of violent incidents in the past; societal norms regarding gender equality, the rule of the family, the behavior of family members; personality traits: aggression, separation standards and shared values ​​, the level of self-esteem, addiction to alcohol; family relationships: the degree of love and respect, the degree of the depth of the conflict; social status: education , occupation, income; stress: professional , financial problems , health problems , worsening of family relationships; situational factors: interaction between family members (McKie, 2005).

Government must find away to stop domestic violence because it have negative effects on children, women , and society .

Violence on Family

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